Meaningful Meetings

Make Corporate Meetings More Meaningful

As an experienced executive, you’ve likely had your fill of deadly boring conferences, meetings and other corporate gatherings. It doesn’t have to be that way. For years, the Center for High Performance has designed and created powerful, highly creative conferences, leadership meetings and team meetings.

CfHP can help you plan a meeting that doesn’t just impart information but encourages the behavior necessary to achieve high performance. Using experiential exercises, we deliver your messages much more effectively than a PowerPoint presentation that no one actually listens to.

Based on your goals, we will:

  • Develop a “loud statement of change” to kick off your next leadership meeting by sending the message that bold communication and innovative ideas are welcome.
  • Create a data-driven, highly experiential exercise to simulate the leadership skills necessary to move the company forward.
  • Design an exercise that drives collaboration and fosters innovation among members of the leadership team.
  • Produce a powerful video to convey your message through the voices of customers, employees or executives, or, when appropriate, using diverse seasoned actors.
  • Facilitate practice sessions on delivering effective remarks and answering questions. CfHP will uncover the “unaskable” questions that must be answered with candor, respect and courage.
  • Formalize the “grapevine” during change efforts. We identify employees who people trust, but who may unintentionally spread misinformation. We make them insiders by giving them an official role and providing access to C-suite executives.

Tell us your goal, and we will make it happen! For more information about Fast-Track Leadership Coaching or Meaningful Meetings, contact

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