10 tips for Value-Driven Leaders
What if we lived our company’s values not through words but through our actions? What if we were able to keep an open mind when presented with ideas that seem impossible? What if we took time from our busy schedules to make someone’s day simply by saying “thank you?”
Executives whose personal values shape their leadership ask themselves these kinds of questions. In my career, I’ve found that leading with such values helps to create and maintain high-performing teams and organizations.
Here’s my list of what I think a value-driven leader should do:
- Set a high ethical bar for yourself and others.
- Start by assuming that people’s intentions are good and their thinking is smart.
- Tell people what you want them to accomplish; let them figure out how to do it.
- Create an environment in which people feel like they can take risks.
- Always have the “meeting-after-the-meeting” at the meeting.
- Remember that the “smartest guy in the room” is the entire leadership team.
- Listen to contrarian voices, even if they make you feel uncomfortable.
- Publicly thank those who bring up difficult, unpopular or taboo subjects.
- Work with the leadership team to create a written charter that lays out desired values and behaviors, as well as financial expectations.
- Reward teams that both get results and live the values.
Agree? Disagree? Is there something you would add? If so, please leave a comment.